di Nicaso e Lamothe, un caso letterario in
Canada |
di Salvatore Ferlita - La Repubblica |
A battle won in the war against drugs |
by Timothy Appleby - Globe and Mail, June 23, 2001 |
..."Dozens of books have been written about the mob in Canada, but Bloodlines is in a class of its own, one of the absolute best. The reason is evident. In-depth crime reporting depends on credibility, trust and access to police secrets. And because of their expertise and track record -- Lamothe is a long-time Toronto Sun reporter turned consultant; Nicaso, co-editor of Toronto's daily Italian-language Corriere Canadese newspaper, has written nine books about organized crime -- the authors were privy to the innermost machinations of the massive Caruana investigation, notably the wiretap evidence." |
Un livre passionnant ! À lire pendant l'été |
by Francine Charrette - Club-Culture, June 2001 |
..."Les liens du sang raconte la captivante histoire de la famille toute puissante des Cuntrera-Caruana. " ..."D'une précision exemplaire, ce dossier porte une signature unique : celle de l'histoire et d'une réalité déplorable &Mac246; le Canada, le paradis du crime." |
«Les liens du sang» ne se lit pas vraiment comme un roman |
ICI Montreal, June 2001 |
..."Antonio Nicaso est expert de renommée internationale dans le domaine du crime organisé. Lee Lamothe est auteur et enquêteur. Avec leur livre «Dans les coulisses du crime» publié en 1996, ils nous renseignaient déjà beaucoup. Cette fois, c'est un pan d'histoire qu'ils nous livrent. Et pas n'importe quelle histoire, celle du clan Caruana-Cuntrera. Ce dernier forme une véribable dynastie dont les racines centenaires plongent dans le sol aride de la Sicile." |
La Presse on Bloodlines |
by Andre Cedilot, La Presse |
This book exposes the critical and unquestionable role of the Canadian mafia in drug trafficking and money laundering on a global scale. The Caruana-Cuntrera epitomize the criminal organization that takes advantage of weak laws and lack of political will to support law-enforcement agencies in their fight against organized crime. Like any crime syndicate, the Caruana Cuntrera will carry on ad expand their activities - licit and illicit - until they are stopped. For a century, the Cosa Nostra has boasted about their adaptability, and surely this explains the success of Alfonso Caruana and his acolytes in Canada and around the world. In the telling of this story, Lee Lamothe and Antonio Nicaso have rendered a major achievement and an important public service." |
James Dubro on Bloodlines |
James Dubro is the author of Mob Rule and co-producer of the TV series Connections |
Bloodlines is a treasure trove of Italian organized crime material - an encyclopedic look at the most powerful and successful Sicilian Mafia drug network ever operate in Canada. It is also a scintillating exposé of the inner workings of a Sicilian Mafia that has extensive mob ties around the world. John Gotti and his mob are small potatoes compared to the worldwide Caruana-Cuntrera syndicate. Bloodlines is one of the best books ever written on the mafia." |
Le Journal de Montreal on Bloodlines |
by Michel Auger |
Bloodlines is a true mafia story that reads like fiction. For decades the Caruana-Cuntrera family, the most dangerous and secretive of Cosa Nostra, has spread itself across the globe, organizing narcotics routes, corrupting financiers and politicians, and laudering hundreds of millions in criminal profits. Lee Lamothe and Antonio Nicaso succeed in documenting the rise and fall of the underworld's rotalty, the Caruana-Cuntrera family. |
Le Journal de Montreal on Les Liens du Sang |
by Michel Auger |
Le Canada est-il devenu la capitale mondiale du blanchiment d'argent et un refuge pour les membres du crime organisé ? Réalité et fiction se conjuguent pour répondre par l'affirmative. L'argent des autres Blanchiment C'est en effet la conclusion à laquelle en arrivent Antonio Nicaso et Lee Lamothe dans un document percutant, Les liens du sang (Éd. de L'Homme). Les deux spécialistes, qui vivent à Toronto, ont eu accès à des transcriptions d'écoute électronique, à des rapports et à des photographies de surveillance policière. Ils ont également réalisé de nombreuses entrevues avec des experts du crime organisé. Ils ont pu, ainsi, reconstituer l'histoire des " Rothschild de la mafia ", les Caruana-Cuntrera, une famille qui a accumulé la coquette somme d'un demi-milliard de dollars grâce au blanchiment d'argent. Leur outil privilégié: la corruption, du petit commis de banque au chef d'État. Photos, carte détaillée du réseau mafieux et arbre généalogique montrant les mariages conclus entre les deux familles étoffent ce rapport d'enquête qui se lit comme un polar.
Les deux journalistes ont compilé des milliers de pages de notes et de documents pour réussir à raconter une histoire qui se comprend bien. Un livre intéressant et un document inévitable pour celui qui veut comprendre le milieu criminel. |
Possamai on Bloodlines |
Mario Possamai is the author of Money on the Run and international expert on the laundering of criminal proceeds |
"Bloodlines: The Rise and Fall of the Mafia's Royal Family is an extraordinary achievement of investigative research, analysis and presentation. A gripping tale that crisscrosses Europe, Latin America, and the United States and Canada, Bloodlines underscores the complexity and sophistication of organized crime at its highest levels. It illustrates how the Caruana-Cuntrera family operates in the netherworld where the financial engineering that supports the global economy bumps up against the billions of dollars of criminal proceeds that need to be laundered. Above all, Bloodlines is a compelling narrative of how the members of this mafia syndicate have largely escaped law-enforcement initiatives on three continents and why Project Omerta' was such a spectacular success. Finally, the book is a testament to why organized crime remains one of the world's most pressing challenges in the 21st century." |